Pope Francis calls for unity, sustainability, and spiritual growth in Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – September 7, 2024 — Pope Francis called for greater unity, responsible use of resources, and a focus on spiritual values during his address to Papua New Guinea's leaders, civil society, and diplomatic corps. 

Speaking at the Apec Haus in Port Moresby, the Holy Father praised the country’s rich cultural diversity and natural resources but emphasized the responsibility that comes with such blessings.

The pontiff expressed his admiration for the cultural wealth of Papua New Guinea, a nation with more than 800 languages and hundreds of islands, remarking that such diversity presents a unique challenge and opportunity for harmony. 

"This extraordinary cultural richness fascinates me on a spiritual level," the Pope stated, adding that it is a testament to the work of the Holy Spirit in creating unity amid differences.

Call for Sustainable Development and Fair Distribution of Resources

While acknowledging the need for international collaboration in harnessing the nation’s natural resources, Pope Francis stressed the importance of ensuring that the benefits are equitably shared with local communities. 

He urged authorities to prioritize the well-being of all citizens. "It is only right that the needs of local people are given due consideration when distributing the proceeds and employing workers," he said.

The Pope's remarks come at a time when Papua New Guinea faces the challenge of managing its vast natural wealth while ensuring sustainable development. 

He called for a balanced approach that promotes both human and environmental resources in a way that benefits everyone, excluding no one. 

He emphasized that such an approach requires "concrete programs, international cooperation, mutual respect, and agreements beneficial to all parties."

Appeal for an End to Tribal Violence and Unity for Development

In his address, Pope Francis also touched on the issue of tribal violence, a persistent problem in parts of Papua New Guinea. 

He appealed to leaders and citizens alike to end the violence, which he said "causes many victims, prevents people from living in peace, and hinders development."

The Pope linked this appeal to the ongoing discussions surrounding Bougainville, urging that the situation on the island be resolved peacefully. 

He expressed hope that with a united and peaceful approach, "the question of the status of Bougainville Island can also find a definitive solution while avoiding the rekindling of ancient tensions."

Spiritual Values for Societal Growth

Pope Francis underscored the importance of spiritual values in building a just and prosperous society. 

"An abundance of material goods is not enough to give birth to a life-giving, serene, hard-working, and joyful society," he warned. 

The Pope encouraged the people of Papua New Guinea to look beyond material wealth, stressing the importance of hope, spiritual strength, and a br​​oader vision for the future.

In a powerful message to the country’s Christian majority, the Pope urged believers not to reduce their faith to mere rituals but to let it permeate their culture and inspire their actions. 

"Faith can become a lived culture, inspiring minds and actions and becoming a beacon of light that illuminates the path forward," he said.

Partnership Between the Church and the State

The Pope praised the ongoing cooperation between the Church and the government in the country, particularly in areas of education, healthcare, and social services. 

He encouraged further collaboration for the common good, emphasizing the importance of working together with people of other Christian denominations and faiths.

He concluded his speech by invoking the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of Papua New Guinea, and calling on the example of local Blessed Peter To Rot and Blessed John Mazzucconi as inspirations for the country's people. 

"May their example give you strength and hope," the Pope said.

As Pope Francis embarks on his visit to Papua New Guinea, his message resonates with themes of peace, sustainability, and spiritual renewal, inviting the people of this diverse and resource-rich nation to look toward a future grounded in faith, justice, and harmony.

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